DFC #142
"Beast Wars sucks! Lookit Rhinox-- he's a total Ironhide ripoff! They should re-release the original Transformers toys!"Ravecavy
Of course, if you were a real father, rather than a drunken lout, you'd take me to the zoo instead of giving me a used coloring book from the dumpster.Tazabby
All these different coloured crayons and not one "Rhino Penis".Bill Hunter
Now, I just draw a dotted line to the rhino's anus, and Billy will end up where he REALLY belongs!Bill Hunter
Dolly learns the hard way why no one ever colors in a Jumanji coloring book TWICE.Dave
As Dolly stared into the fierce eyes of the beast, she realized it was only a matter of time before it charged. She had to warn others, but since she cannot write, she quickly sketched her last moments on earth, and hoped they would understand before it was too late...Vitamin Tom
That reminds me...You got any Powdered Rhino Horn left, Mom?slacker
Daddy? Can we go home now? I'm running out of pictures to color and this bar is really stinky!Amazing AlKirk
"Hey, don't change my diaper! I like it like this!"Larry Hastings
Huh? Horny what? Oh...oh yeah Dad, that's really funny - ha ha ha. (Sheesh!)not elsie
Mom, we need another box of 264 crayons. The Monkeyshit Brown is almost gone.M.S. Brown
No Jeffy, it's not a picture of Daddy..I said "elusive rhino" not "abusive wino".IrishMike
But Mommy! I color better stoned!!Vice Pope Doug
Is this really how you got started, Dad? 'Cause if it is, I'm gonna play outside instead.Charlie Steinhice
"Okay, Mom, a little more to the left, and point your horns towards the bookshelf."anon
Mommy, what's this scary looking thing between the giraffe's head and body?Anastasia
By the time Dolly spotted the scope of Billy's rifle glinting at the top of the stairs it was too late...anon
Looky Mom! That rhino's ass is almost as big and rough as mine!orlando
What's with the generic coloring book? Eisner's paying ten grand for "Toy Story" placements!The Lawyer
There's a Jumanji joke here somewhere, but damned if I know what it is.slacker
Forget the rhino...Why is my butt the size of Cleveland?slacker
Damn! I'm outta " Stupid Zone Red "...Doc Evil
Hey, what color is the dick on the rhino's nose?ed munster
When can I get a box with more than just white, black and grey?Jan Keilek
No, mommy, I swear I'm staying in the lines...don't hurt me please...Jan Keilek
Dolly could only stare in dumbfounded awe as Bil graphically answered her question "What mammal has a larger horn than a rhino?"The 4-Star Pope
Mom, what color should I make rhino-trampled mangled flesh?Dave
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