"No no, Kitty! Come back! We love you kitty- Aw hell. There goes dinner."Magus
Citing irreconcilable differences, Jeffy moves to Mexico to become "El Jeffe" the famous catador.Namgubed the Merry Elf
You think you're the new star, huh? Well, I've got stardom oozing from my pores!Namgubed the Merry Elf
Schroedinger's Cat leapt to safety, leaving the melon-headed kid to worry about quantum events.Stealth
While Jeffy was experiencing some rare affection holding a beloved pet, someone would activate the electric can opener. He could never figure out which one of us it was. He was too stupid to realize that we were taking turns. -- Dolly Keane Out of the Circle and into Scientologytwomp
Bad idea: Peaking on LSD and holding a twichy, nervous animal. Worse idea: Happening to glance at its anus, while peaking on LSD.twomp
Jeffy's "Cat Frisbee" never caught on, but his later game "Cat Ice Hockey" drew national attention and led eventually to a criminal record.Larry Hastings
Jeffy's grasp of slang was a constant source of trouble. He'd heard it was a thrill to "grab some pussy" and "score some tail", but when he tried it he just got lacerated.Larry Hastings
NO, I asked if you wanted to play Spades...not spay!R.J.M.
Kid's Quik Quiz #4: The Cat A Should be put to sleep and checked for rabies B Should be put to sleep as he is a danger to the children C WILL be put to sleep because he fucked with Jeffy. Correct Guesses win a commemerative Voodoo Jeffy.Pastor of Muppets
Wonder which hurts more -- the cat scratches or Jeffy's attempt at a split?Gen. Sedgwick
OW! All right, you little bastard, from now on call me Curiosity!Gen. Sedgwick
Sure, you liked the backrub, but when it comes to my needs, you're all "You only think of one thing" and "I just want to be friends".The Plague
"I guess that 'herding cats' thing really is just a figure of speech."Who me?
"Whoa! So if that's what it means to be 'fixed,' how are we going to fix PJ's wagon?"Who me?
Jeffy, noticing the outcome of Kittycat's surgery, realizes that he has gotten off easy with a couple of minor puncture wounds.Who me?
Aww, come on! All I wanted to do was make a catastrophe! Get it?!? Cat...ass...oh, fuck you.Dan Jones
"Jesus Christ! No wonder you're testy ... check out that tapeworm!"Trism
My weed's in your catnip!? Your catnip is in my weed!!agm
Thanks, Kittycat. With these stigmata I should have a devoted worldwide following in no time!Gen. Sedgwick
...thus proving Billy's theory that guys with piercings get all the pussy.LadyJ
"B was the boy/With a head like a melon/C was the cat/Whose butt he was smellin'" Edward Gorey The Dysfunctional ObelisksPonyboy2
Damn it, Kittycat! If both the stigmata aren't in the palms, we blow the whole deal!anon
Kittycat, Drive-by AcupuncturistRaven
Bitten by a radio-active cat, Billy thought he'd finally be able to graduate to the "Spider-Man" strip. Unfortunately, Stan Lee had no interest in a supervillain whose "power" was the ability to poop in a litterbox and clean his anus with his own tongue.from "CatBilly, PlatypusCathy, and PumpkinLinus: the Not-So-Super Villains"
I'll make a giant cat, and ride away from those kids who are always after me Lucky Charms!Namgubed the Merry Elf--
Jeffy would learn about the concept of 'explosive diahrea' from Kittycat in a sinister fashion he would NEVER forget...Doc Evil
Dolly Keane wins... ANIMALITY!Doc Evil
While Bil is on vacation today's strip is being drawn by his illegitimate Spanish daughter, Salvador Dolly.Gen. Sedgwick
Moments later the open-mouthed Jeffy unwittingly swallowed two action lines and got motion sickness.Gen. Sedgwick
Damn you kittycat, you not only look like grandpa, you scratch like him too!Crumbcake
Ahh..the Fifties, a time when..no, wait...It was the Seventies, and..Damn!...Even in those crazy Eighties..Aw, forget it! Remind me again, just when was it popular to stuff cats in your mouth and pierced forearms were cool?bobo
Kittykat punctured the melonheads skin; first stars came out, then planets and after that all sorts of other scenery to fill the featureless void. Exerpt from The Worlds Most Obscure Creation Myths Crackhead Jonny
Bil had to label the cat scratches with stars so that no one would mistake them for wandering nostrils.steph
Jeffy's 'swooping crane' technique was no match for Kittycat's double back-kick.hangtownman
"It was the first time Jeffy got hurt chasing a little pussy, but not the last. Good Heavens, not the last." from the eulogy given by William Keane Jr. at his brother Jeffy's memorial servicehangtownman
Whenever Jeffy would get the cat caught in his esophagus, the "Macarena Maneuver" always did the trick.Riff
Jeffy discovers the exact two acupuncture spots needed to generate spontaneous feline vomiting.Shifter
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