DFC #1
"You are getting sleepy. You will pick up the knife. You will first decapitate the girl..."Wes Flinn
Hey! How come for us you never wear that tight little french maid's outfit, like you do when you serve Dad his breakfast?George McAuliffe
AWWWWW Ma, cat food again?!?!?keith corcoran
Yo Bitch! I said more orange juice! Now, Dammit!jk
Boy mom, things have really gone to shit around here since dad ran off with that male stripper.zazu
"I know you love that Early American motif, but buffalo tripe in the morning is a bit hard to take."Paul T. Riddell
Why am I the only one here who doesn't have the glazed look of a zombie?!Roger Rabehl
Hey! Mom! Did you hear about the meteor crash last night? It destroyed the three cartoons before this one!Daniel Saults
Whoa! Weren't you a D-cup in the last cartoon?anon
Jesus mom! When you said we were going to have another orgy, I didn"t think you meant food!Merrieweather
Aw, ma, all these bran cereals keep giving me the shits!anon
This gruel sure does taste better with a Republican in the Whitehouse!D Bailey
Mommy, how can you tell a booger from bran flakes?Mark Cable
Why mother, you look smashing! Simply smashing! Seriously, would it kill you to freshen up a little bit?pd
"Oh, yeah: Daddy said for me to tell you he's
spending the weekend with Little Annie Fanny and Cherry Poptart, so
don't bother making breakfast for him."Paul T. Riddell
Does Daddy know you're a lesbian?babysue
Mommy, I need some more milk on my Wheaties. Why don't you whip out one of your hoots and give me some straight from the tap?David J. Johnson
Okay. So we all eat rat poison so Daddy will feel
bad about spending the night with his secretary. I got that part. What
I want to know is why there isn't a bowl for you.Blake
Toast, juice, and cereal? Does this mean were to old to breast feed anymore?anon
Yeah mom, what are you going to do? Cut off my other leg?whatever
Dolly said you only had one orgasm last night, but we heard you scream three times!Mike Ross
I don't get it. When we watched that movie last night and Charlie Chaplin ate his shoe, you all laughed.Kluger Hans
This Soylent Green tastes like people!Nethicus
"So what I'm saying is don't you feel your life is
an endless, meaningless parade of preparing meals for ungratfeful
children and a distant, unspeaking spouse?"Tim Kaldahl
Mommy, whose pubic hair is in my cereal?anon
Mommy, why does my cereal taste like bitter almond?Mike
Faster with the peanut butter! We're losing Jeffy by the second!Bill Dettelback
Who marked out the expiration date on this milk?Roxanne LeReaux
Dad's wasted again. Am I goin' to have to draw today's strip?anon
Y'know, ma, if you and Dad got us on T-shirts or
Burger King cups or something, we wouldn't hafta eat this damn generic
puffed rice stuff for breakfast every morning.Brent Stocking
Daddy ... now that you've had the operation, are we supposed to call you Mommy?Richard K.
Mommy, why does your bathrobe tie at the waist if it only opens to the neck?anon
You don't have the guts to use that knife! You're a weak one, woman!anon
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